KPI of the Day – Sustainability: # Recycled waste

Measures the amount of waste recycled by an organization, estimated in tonnes. It takes into account any waste specific to the organization’s activities, such as paper, electronic waste (for example, old computers and printers) and toxic materials.
To provide an indication of an organization’s waste management efficacy and commitment to environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
Accurate reporting of this KPI is reliant on thorough recording of all the types of waste generated through the company’s operations and the amount of recycled waste in each category.
It is estimated that around 66% of electronic waste in the EU ends up in non-official disposal channels, being either sold or disposed of as part of general waste. Developing effective waste collection and recycling schemes at national and local levels also helps increase the amount of waste recycled by organizations.
Setting targets for this KPI might prove challenging for companies, as values are dependent on the total amount and types of waste generated, as well as the availability of waste recycling and management service providers in the regions where the firms operate.
Suggestions on how organizations could monitor this KPI and increase its value include the following:
- Ensuring adequate implementation of the waste recycling policies throughout the organization, by implementing internal checks and educating employees on the importance of waste recycling;
- Selecting reliable asset recovery and recycling partners, preferably with adequate certifications, such as ISO 140001, R2, RIOS and E-steward, to ensure an effective internal waste recycling scheme;
- Periodical audits of the recycling partners and their subcontractors help maintain company recycling requirements and standards, as well as optimize costs;
- Joining national or international recycling schemes and organizations.
If you are interested in more Sustainability related KPIs, subscriptions provide access to +1,500 KPI examples. Our dedicated Library contains relevant resources to improve your KPI practices, and if you want to further improve your knowledge, feel free to explore our latest sustainability related publications – our white paper on Sustainability Reporting, The Health, Safety, Security and Environment KPI Dictionary, The KPI Dictionary Volume I: Functional Areas and The Resources KPI Dictionary.
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Tags: KPI, Sustainability performance