KPI of the Day – State Government: % Tax collected on time

Measures the percentage of successful tax collection on-time.
To provide an indication of a fiscal year’s tax collection, since it represents an important part of the local or national budget income.
Ensuring that all citizens and businesses provide a fair contribution to the local and state budgets is one of the primary concerns of governments worldwide. The timely collection of taxes, thus represents a vital step in maintaining the stability and health of the government.
By monitoring % Tax collected on time at both the national and local levels, authorities are capable of better planning the ways resources are allocated and spent. The premise to productively working with this indicator is the concept of fiscal capacity. Determining a government’s ability to generate revenue is necessary in order to design fiscal policies on the one hand, and sustain the community on the other.
In accordance to fiscal policy and taxation rules, the deadlines for tax collections are set. National revenue agencies or taxation authorities are responsible for the intake of government revenue, preventing tax evasions and conducting fiscal audits.
In order for agencies to ensure a timely, efficient tax collection process, it is advisable to focus on the following:
- Optimizing the tax delay penalty system for both individuals and companies;
- Improving transparency in order to ensure that information is well-disseminated;
- Ensuring a smooth and efficient collection process, for instance through digitizing the service.
As of 2008, the average annual levy on a property in England was £1,146. Individuals may apply to their local authority for council tax benefit, and subject to eligibility, will receive contributions to cover their levy liability.
Payments are made direct to their council tax account, and no cash is paid to recipients. Local authorities receive funding from the Department of Work and Pensions to both administer the council tax benefit system, and to cover payments.
There may be further modifiers in certain circumstances, for example a discount for unoccupied property, a 25% discount for single occupants, or a total dispensation for diplomatic residences and residences completely occupied by students.
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Tags: Government - State / Federal performance, KPI, Taxes