KPI of the Day – State Government: # Cases cleared using new technology

Measures the number of cases solved using the new technologies implemented by the justice bodies.
To monitor the usage of new technology in clearing cases.
This KPI is becoming even more important due to the rise of criminal offenses committed with technological means, which will require justice departments to invest and use new technology to combat this pressing situation.
Governments worldwide are using progressively sophisticated technologies in all state areas, including the legal system. New technology is designed to increase the accuracy of state investigations with the purpose of bringing offenders to justice and preventing the innocent from being convicted.
Furthermore, the newest technologies are also applied in the investigation process of unsolved or older, re-opened cases.
By monitoring # Cases cleared using the new technology, the return of investment in forensic science research and development can be assessed, and thereby also the impact new discoveries have on the justice system. These measurements are of use in the planning of further resources which are to be allocated for this field.
Moreover, investing in science for empowering the justice system should be a priority for public entities since it is essential for advancing and ensuring the safety of citizens.
In order to increase the number of cases solved through modern technology, best practices include the following:
- Establishing national and international partnerships and knowledge exchange programs in order to continuously improve forensic processes and procedures;
- Investing in the improvement of technology and ensuring that adequate equipment is available to law enforcement investigators and crime lab scientists;
- Encouraging external research by supporting R&D Project applications and directing funds to the most promising applicants.
It is recommended to maintain high levels for this KPI, as new technology is increasingly important to judicial authorities, in clearing court cases. Technology considered new has to be clearly defined, in order to accurately measure this KPI.
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Tags: Government - State / Federal performance, KPI, Technology