KPI of the Day – Human Resources (HR): % Training penetration rate

Measures the percentage of employees that completed a form of training, out of the total number of employees within the organization.
To monitor the extend of training programs across the organization.
The success of training and development programs is frequently measured in terms of the % Training penetration rate. For mandatory trainings, the indicator can be used to monitor and ensure compliance with the company’s internal regulations. For optional training programs, the KPI can be extremely useful when assessing the impact of the training awareness initiative.
This KPI may be analyzed to identify areas with low training penetration rates. Dimensions for such analysis may include organizational unit, geography, job function, job family, employment level, tenure, age, and performance rating.
In addition to this, it should be noted that although a high result (close to 100%) is often the desired level for this measure, especially for required training courses, few organizations achieve such results and you should not strive to achieve it regardless of any other considerations.
Recommendations on securing a valid % Training penetration rate within the organization include the following:
- Applying innovative solutions such as E-learning or Mobile learning to training and development programs;
- Embracing social media tools to encourage learning and development initiatives;
- Adapting learning modules to functional areas and individual employees;
- Aligning training expectation with company goals and objectives;
- Measuring the impact of training and development awareness initiatives.
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Tags: Human Resources performance, KPI