KPI of the Day – Customer Service: % Complaints responded to within standard time

Measures the percentage of complaints responded to within the standard time, from overall complaints addressed by customers.
To assess customer service (CS) responsiveness to responding to complaints within the standard time established.
This KPI is related to % Complaints resolved and should be monitored together. However, responding to complaints is different from solving a complaint, as it may take more stages and steps in order to solve a complaint.
Timely responsiveness to complaints can act as a strategic advantage, therefore helping to differentiate a business from its competitors. There are no preset guidelines or principles that establish a standard response time. However, the standard that the business itself establishes for this indicator shall determine the level of recognition it will ultimately gain on the market.
A prompt response to complaints is a combination of courtesy and good business practices:
- Inquiries and questions, whether through letters or telephone, should be responded to as quickly as possible;
- Response to written complaints is preferably handled immediately and in writing;
- Response to oral complaints is highly dependent on the volume and type of complaint;
- Similar complaints should be handled with similar responses;
- Different time frames should be set up for different types of complaints.
Accurate data collection is dependent on having established a standard time for responding to customer complaints and a monitoring system of the timeliness for each complaint responded.
Targets for this KPI may vary upon the standard time established for solving customer complaints and the customer service competence, knowledge, and commitment to excellent service.
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Tags: Customer Satisfaction, KPI, Sales and Customer Service performance