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IT performance – HP CIO Assessment


HP IT Performance

Good news for IT industry  budgets and spending are increasing this year. According to Wedbush’s survey of 100 IT project managers some of their  conclusions are:

  • 77 percent of respondents expected IT budgets to rise 8 percent in 2011.
  • 59 percent of respondents said they would purchase tablets in the next year, but only 29 percent of those surveyed thought they would replace notebooks. PC demand appears to be solid in business technology.

With these results for 2011 it`s very important for CIOs to measure their department’s performance. Complementing this trend, HP has recently launched the “CIO Assessment tool“, a questionnaire that works like an investment portfolio that is measured against financial indices (peers).

You can choose the industry peers you’d like to be benchmarked against from: Healthcare, Financial Services, Government, Manufacturing & Distribution, Technology or Telecommunications divided in four areas:  IT Value, Customer Satisfaction, Operational Excellence and Future Orientation.

Sample questions from each area:Report Preview - Overall Performance

  • IT value: What percentage of your IT expenditure is tracked to business objectives?
  • Customer satisfaction: What is your percentage of deviation from planned hours of work?
  • Operational excellence: How quickly can IT deliver new business services in response to changes in business demand?
  • Future orientation:  What percentage of your IT employees are satisfied with their jobs according to your internal employee satisfaction metrics?

After completing the entire questionnaire you can register and receive your personalized report with detailed recommendations.

Additional resources

Image Source:

  • HP CIO Assessment – Report Preview – Overall Performance
  • Free Wallpapers
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