HR Summit and Expo 2014 – Overview Day 1
The first day of the event brought together thousands of HR professionals around the world and more than 20 speakers. The 21 seminars were organized as parallel sessions that took place in 3 different conference rooms. The topics were connected to the main interest points of the summit:
- Professional Development
- Learning & Organizational Development
- Technology and Analytics
- Recruitment and Talent Management
- Compensation and Performance
- HR for start-ups and SMEs
The diversity of presentations and the 3 parallel conference rooms enabled attendees to assist the seminars that best fit their interests. One of the reference presentations from day 1 belongs to Marshall Goldsmith, who was recently acknowledged by Forbes Magazine as one of the fifteen most influential business thinkers in the world. He discussed about Building Global Leadership and emphasized the importance of tempering our egos, especially if we are business leaders.
Another key presentation, based on rigorous research and data, was held by David Edwards, Head of Solution from SHL Talent Management Middle East. The presentation focused on was how to surpass challenges in recruitment and presented a new approach to graduate recruitment. Recruiting graduates has great benefits for the business, as recruiters can identify the potential to perform the job, based on an Employability Model.
“Confessions from a former CHRO – Secrets and recipes for success”, Tim Savage’s presentation included pieces of advice on how to approach leaders of other departments as a CHRO, as well as the subordinates, in order to have better working relationships. In regards to leaders, he offered people two questions to reflect upon: How do people see me? What do I stand for? Tim Savage also mentioned four key elements that will help employees be more productive – provide clear directions, autonomy, flexibility so that they can use their creativity and a sense of achievement.
Approaching a very popular topic nowadays, Teodora Gorski discussed and shared best practices on how to financially reward employee performance. Teodora is the Managing Director of MENA for The KPI Institute. Her presentation “Workplace perspectives: Variable vs Merit Pay” focused defining on what performance management means at employee level and how to reward performance in the form of bonuses systems and other non-financial compensations.

Tags: HR Summit and Expo 2014, Human Resources performance, Performance in UAE