HR role and trends in 2010
The report HR Trends in B.C. published in June 2010 by British Columbia Human Resource Management Association (BC HRMA), one of the largest HR association in Western Canada, presents the key findings based on the survey results regarding the 2010 HR role and trends.
One of the main 2010 trend underlined within the report is the shift away from the negative projections of 2009 towards a more positive future with steady growth in revenues and staffing levels. While the private sector projected growth in revenues and staffing levels, the public sector projected a contraction in both revenue and staffing. The priorities in the public sector were negotiating collective agreements and managing change, 43% of public sector organizations indicating a reduction in staffing levels and 38% a reduction in staff revenue.
For the private sector, the HR functions focus on increasing the leadership capability and ensuring staff groups performance. 2009 was a year of change, that determined most organizations to focus on getting the best contribution and performance from the leaders and employees. The role of HR in supporting this direction was optimizing processes in order to increase productivity and performance, according to the organizational strategy. In the context of a slight economic recovery in 2010, organizations are cautious to rebuild staffing levels and intend to handle growth in organizational activity with their current staff group (BC Human Resource Management Association, 2010).
The HR budget size did not influence directly the priorities and trends of HR in 2010, as reveled by the respondents. Productivity and growing skills gap have become clear expectations towards HR in 2010, being prevalent themes in the business. However, the report indicates for the first time a link between the involvement of HR in the strategic organizational process, the organization’s revenue projections and the HR budget repercussions. As the survey results show, the forecast revenue growth and HR budget growth were more likely to be positive in organizations where HR was involved in the development of strategy.
The survey was completed by 677 respondents from the B.C. during April 2010, the full report being accessible to the BC HRMA members.
Image Source:
- BC Human Resource Management Association (2010)

Tags: Human Resources performance, Performance in Canada, Report Analysis