How can distributed leadership affect job performance? A presentation by Ajay K. Jain and Franziska Günzel-Jensen, at the PMA 2014 Conference
The presentation “Relationship between Trust, Distributed Leadership and Job Performance in Health Care Context: Exploring the mediating role of Job Satisfaction” was offered, on the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by Ajay K. Jain, from the Department of Human Behavior and Organization Development, of the Management Development Institute Gurgaon, India and along with Franziska Guenzel-Jensen, of the Aarhus University.
Their research study investigated the effects of vertical trust on distributed leadership (DL) and performance as mediated by job satisfaction. They start from the idea that employees’ involvement in DL would be beneficial, even if it is not part of their job descriptions.
By applying a self-developed DL questionnaire, as well as literature borrowed job satisfaction and job performance surveys to the employees from one of Denmark largest public hospitals, they have found that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between vertical trust and DL, the latter one impacting job performance. Also, DL positively affects employee performance.
The researchers concluded that trust is essential in improving DL practices and employees’ performance as mediator of job satisfaction, emphasizing the strong connection between satisfaction and performance, as mediated by DL.

Tags: Leadership, PMA 2014 Conference