Evaluate your Performance Measurement Capability with our self-assessment!

Find out if you have the necessary components in place to achieve desired results and improve performance. The self-assessment is just a preview of the performance maturity assessment conducted by the GPA Unit.
Taking the format of a detailed gap analysis, the service helps organizations maximize competitive advantage and elevate current practices to best practices.The questionnaire serves as a perception indicator for your performance measurement capability. It reflects on the status of instruments, processes, the results and impact across organization.
It evaluates performance management strengths and weaknesses & identifies opportunities for improvement, giving you a new perspective on your performance management capability, by comparing your practices with best practices in the industry.
”Assessing our performance management capability by using the performance maturity model framework provided to us, by the GPA Unit, with their detailed insights regarding our current maturity level has helped our organization to understand its gaps and build a roadmap for continuous improvement. It will most certainly allow us to review and discuss our progress, during the next few months, which we are sure will elevate our performance management system’s maturity from the current level to the next one.” – Udoy Chatterjee, Chief Operating Officer, MEFIC
It will take less than 5 minutes to rate 24 statements, after which you will receive valuable information about your organization’s perceived maturity level, as well as optimization tips on 6 key dimensions:
- KPI Selection
- KPI Documentation
- Target Setting
- Data Gathering
- Data Visualization
- KPI Governance
Discover your performance measurement maturity level and build your path to performance excellence!

Tags: GPA Unit, Performance Measurement