From Performance Measurement to Management in the Local Government – ICMA Case Studies

The Center for Performance Measurement from the International City-County Management Association (ICMA) published in 2008 the book intitled „What Works: How Local Governments Have Made the Leap from Measurement to Management”.
This resource from ICMA is directed towards helping local public administrations to deal with and improve their performance measurement initiatives, by putting under the reader’s attention no less than 70 case studies featuring successful practices in the field of performance management and measurement, all coming from ICMA members.
The book is divided into 16 individual chapters, presenting case studies in 15 areas of local public administration service, from Code Enforcement, Facilities Management and Purchasing to Human Resources, Information Technology and Youth Services.
One featured example in this book is the City of Albany, Oregon, represented by its Albany Fire Department and Albany Public Library. The Fire Department showcase illustrates that, for the year 2006, 97% of citizens rated the quality of contact with the Department as excellent, whereas the figure was of 96% in respect to the contact with the Department’s emergency medical center, both numbers being above the national average. The results represent an evidence of the Department’s staff efforts and customer-service trainings, as the Albany’s emergency call volume on a per capita basis makes the city one of the busiest in the state of Oregon (City of Albany, Oregon , 2008).
The Albany Library case study reported circulating an average number of 22.1 items per borrower, against a national average of 12.4 items, due to the strong community support and the increase in the Library’s budget for acquisitions.
The International City-County Management Association (ICMA) was founded in 1914 to provide technical and management assistance, training and information resources to its members and the local government community. Its mission is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional local government management worldwide (Center for Performance Management, ICMA, 2008)
Center for Performance Management, ICMA (2008), What Works: How Local Governments Have Made the Leap from Measurement to Management, ICMA, Washington, DC.
City of Albany, Oregon (2008), „Albany Featured in Performance Measurement Book” press release, available at: (accessed 10 April 2010).
The Center for Performance Measurement from the International City-County Management Associations (ICMA) published in 2008 the book intitled „What Works: How Local Governments Have Made the Leap from Measurement to Management”.
This resource from ICMA is directed towards helping local public administrations to deal with and improve their performance measurement initiatives, by putting under the reader’s attention no less than 70 case studies featuring successful practices in the field of performance management and measurement, all coming from ICMA members.
The books is divided into 16 individual chapters, presenting case studies in 15 areas of local public administration service, from Code Enforcement, Facilities Management and Purchasing to Human Resources, Information Technology and Youth Services.
One featured example in this book is the City of Albany, Oregon, by its Albany Fire Department and Albany Public Library.
For example, the Fire Department showcase illustrated that, for the year 2006, 97% of citizens rated the quality of contact with the Department as excellent, whereas the figure was of 96% in respect to the contact with the Department’s emergency medical center, both numbers being above the national average. The results represent an evidence of the Department’s staff efforts and customer-service trainings, as the Albany’s emergency call volume on a per capita basis makes the city one of the busiest in the state of Oregon.
The Albany Library case study reported circulating an average number of 22.1 items per borrower, against a national average of 12.4 items, due to the strong community support and the increase in the Library’s budget for acquisitions.
The International City-County Management Associations (ICMA) was founded in 1914 to provide technical and management assistance, training and information resources to its members and the local government community. Its mission is to create excellence in local governance by developing and fostering professional local government management worldwide.
Center for Performance Management (2008), What Works: How Local Governments Have Made the Leap from Measurement to Management, ICMA.
City of Albany, Oregon (2008), „Albany Featured in Performance Measurement Book” press release, available at: (accessed 10 April 2010).

Tags: Case Study, Government - State / Federal performance, Government performance, International City-County Management Association, Performance in USA