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Employee of the Month: Razvan Cotet, Customer Engagement Specialist


razvanJoin us in our journey of interviewing some of the most extraordinary individuals that continue to make The KPI Institute a role-model for others to follow. In today’s edition, we will be featuring September’s Employee of the Month, Răzvan Cotet.

Be ready, be raring. Plan for the best, expect the worst – this will keep you on your guard and allow you to easily deflect any unwelcome surprise.

1. What is your role at The KPI Institute and what makes it special?

I am constantly searching for innovative solutions, to resolve business challenges. I have evolved a lot in the past year, developed many new opportunities and built up very stable long-term collaboration with some of the most important clients that TKI has.

At current, my job description lists me as a Customer Engagement Specialist, however in order to get things done properly, I was oftentimes required to step outside of my baseline job description. And that’s exactly what I did to achieve certain results.

2. How did it feel to be nominated and selected as Employee of the Month?

My results should not be interpreted as the efforts of only one person – myself. The spotlight should be shared by my team as well, who constantly helps me and supports me.

Our Sibiu Office has great and very valuable members, huge team players, without whom my efforts would have been in vain.

3. What do you find most challenging at The KPI Institute?

Everything, every day is about overcoming a challenge, from difficult tasks, to colleagues with short temper, about whom I shouldn’t really complain too much, as even I am one of those short-tempered individuals oftentimes.

The last time I was nominated and won this title, I was overwhelmed with mixed feelings because I was responsible for one of our newest team members, who is nowadays a junior (Mihaela Trif). She is an unwavering over-achiever, who has never stopped surprising me and the rest of us with her positive attitude and explosive results, so when I was first titled Employee of the Month, I wasn’t quite sure how to think about it.

That being said, with my previous challenge overcome, I am sure I can handle anything that comes along at this stage. Having nurtured a rookie into a full-blown sales professional was one of my biggest fears, as I was not sure I was fit for the job. Knowing I can do this, I await life & business to “come at me”.

4. What would be the three main career lessons that you have learnt thus far?

Well, my life motto which never let me down so far is “improvise, adapt, overcome”. This 3-word saying is like my small pocket bible – when in doubt, I just keep repeating it in my mind.

Perseverance – never quit, never sway, never stray from the objective. With the risk of sounding very generic, “Just Do It” sums up my thoughts quite succinctly, given how things are going in this mad world.

Be ready, be raring. Plan for the best, expect the worst – this will keep you on your guard and allow you to easily deflect any unwelcome surprise.

5. If you could interview one person, either from the past or present, who would it be and why?

This question is a bit incomplete in my opinion, because I would love to interview a future version of me.

No matter what results I might have, whether I would be a rock-star or a huge investor that plays the world like it’s his fiddle, or a man defined by the word “simple” in every aspect, I’d be curious to find out why I had made the calls that led me down that path.

Let’s say a future version of me, 25 years older than I am at current. I am sure that would be the most awesome interview/questionnaire that I could ever partake in.

As for questions, I would definitely ask if he sees it worthy to keep chasing after everything, following huge objectives, never getting off this wild ride called life. What is the meaning of all of this anyway, if from time to time we don’t even stop to appreciate what we have accomplished?

I might be getting a bit too metaphoric right now, so I’ll cut things short. Thanks again for this recognition, it’s awesome to know that our management team keeps an eye on my work.

Employee of the Month: Mihaela Trif, Customer Engagement Specialist
Salesforce - Career and Job Predictions for 2019

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