Embracing the Art of Networking
In any job position, networking is important, especially if people want to achieve more in their careers. For extroverts who love to socialize, networking is something they can do without a sweat.
However, for introverts this can prove to oftentimes be quite the hassle, and in many cases, such individuals would prefer avoiding the activity. Many of those introverts consider the idea of networking to be a fake one and merely an organizational method to gain more customers.
Contrary to this, research shows that networking is more than just mingling with others. In a research conducted at the Johnson Cornell University, they found out that in an American law firm, many successful lawyers are dependent on good networks, internal and external alike.
This goes hand in hand with the fact that those who dislike networking tend to average out fewer working hours, which result in lesser bonuses.
Therefore, it is important to change the way we feel about networking if we wish to become more proficient at our jobs. Hence, here are some great tips to begin understanding it.
- Change your mindset for the better
As stated before, many introverts dislike networking because they don’t see the point in it. However, many believe that trying to change your mindset, in order to see the benefits of networking, can bring huge changes for an individual. In the same research, we find that many of those workers have either “promotion” or “prevention” mindsets.
Some of them have a bit of a “promotion” mindset, because they realize all the positivity they can gain through networking, whereas those who are characterized by fully-blown “prevention” mindsets are gated from their full potential.
If introvert workers shift the way they see networking, they can easily end up liking the activity and even being good at it.
- List Common Connections
Once we feel networking to be less of a task and more of a learning experience, we can also be more comfortable in gaining networks by understanding the common similarities and connections we have towards the targeted community.
Once you understand these aspects and notice your shared interests, networking will feel more authentic.
- Think of all the assets you can offer
Many of those unwilling to expand their social networks are oftentimes juniors, who feel like they don’t have much to offer. Although many of them try to focus on their practical and social networking skills, quite a few company leaders find other personal aspects, like gratitude and recognition, to be much more important than the ones previously mentioned.
Moreover, if the company organizes a networking event, you must be able to bring out everything you have, in order to maximize your social network. Once you do this and start seeing gains from it, you will learn just how valuable you are to others and vice versa, resulting in a much smaller self-promotion effort when you have to participate in another networking event.
- Search for greater intentions
Workers that search for higher goals, when they engage in networking, like to help out their clients instead of using networking as a means to merely improve their career. This will most definitely feel and come off way more authentic.
Thus, if you want to truly benefit from networking, try thinking in terms of the greater good – helping others, to ultimately help yourself as well.
In the end, embracing the act of networking is truly a gift to have and reap benefits from.
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Tags: Individual Performance, News, Social networking