Do you want to be successful? Embrace the right attitude!
If you ever catch yourself thinking you’ll never be successful, guess what? You most probably never will! Greatness comes from effort, but also from attitude and a different, “outside the box” way of thinking, combined with self-consciousness and a healthy lifestyle.
So what are the changes you should apply to your daily routine, if you plan to become successful in both your professional and personal life?
1. Reset and embrace change!
If you are still counting the hours left until the work day ends, lying on the couch all weekend, eating junk food, saying no to all opportunities and letting things evolve inertly, you are definitely not on the right path to success and you must radically change the way you think! Understanding the importance and benefits of change is the first step towards achieving success.
2. Respect your mind and body!
Staying healthy is one of the most important aspects you have to take into consideration when aiming for success. Working long hours, coffee overload and being sedentary are common among today’s business people. In order to become and stay successful, a couple of rules should be strictly respected, for the sake of your mind and body:
- Get a good night’s sleep – sleeping is extremely important, not only in maintaining your health, but also in boosting your emotional tonus and in helping you cope with everyday stress. While sleeping, the brain recharges and reinforces what you have learnt during the day.
- Change your alimentation habits – good nutrition is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle, as the food choices affect how one feels today, tomorrow and in the future.
- Exercise – combined with healthy food, physical activity can help you reach and maintain your target weight, can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and can improve overall health;
- Take time to disconnect and relax – it is important to keep stress intermittent. Taking some time off the grid can help you keep stress under control.
In staying healthy and fit, just like in most life and business situations, if you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it. Using tracking tools, such as sleep monitors, calorie counters or pedometers can help you gain an objective focus on what needs to be adjusted.
3. Learn, learn, and then learn some more!
Continuous improvement is the key to being successful. Being outstanding implies no shortcuts or overnight fortune, but a huge amount of work. From reading every day, to gaining knowledge from others’ experience, it is all a vast, lifelong engagement to boosting yourself.
4. Keep a to-be-list instead of a to-do-list!
Before thinking “I want to get a new job”, “I want to make more money” or “I want a huge house”, try to think about the qualities you need to nurture in order achieve them. Be it ambition, confidence or even technical skills, they are all part of the new, improved version of yourself, which starts from understanding who you want to become.
5. Set goals and action plans!
Be it losing weight, finishing a book or getting a new job, people always set goals. Setting goals provides you with clarity in understanding your own directions, insights to develop an action plan according to these directions, motivation in sticking with the plan and strength in reallocating your most important resources for achieving it.
6. Aim high!
Choose not to settle for easy, attainable targets. If you want to achieve success, aim for the best, the most challenging, the unexplored, the ultimate, and sometimes even what others would deem the impossible.
7. Keep on going!
One of the most frequent mistakes when trying to achieve excellence is settling after achieving the desired level of evolution. Highly successful people don’t stop once they achieve a goal. Each little accomplishment should become a launching pad for future developments, and the goals and targets should be adapted, according to your evolution.
Be willing to change, respect yourself by creating a healthy routine, learn, gain focus, set goals, aim high, stay positive, take responsibilities, learn from your failures and, finally, maintain a good relationship with others! These are some pieces of advice for achieving success, both in your personal life and in business. However, becoming outstanding is not an exact science. It mainly comes from your attitude and it is, after all, a matter of choice.
So, do you want to be great or average? If you chose greatness as your goal, you have already taken the most important step. Now, start from here!
Adelina Chelniciuc. Publishing & Media Manager. The KPI Institute

Tags: Key Success Factors