Choose the right job for you!
In this engaging presentation, Scott Dinsmore, founder of Live Your Legend, talks about how you can find out what are the things that you really love to do no matter what, paid or otherwise.
The question on which this Ted Talk circles around is as follows: Why are you doing the work that you’re doing?
Over 80% of the people around us don’t enjoy their work, but they encourage complacency. The following are five steps of finding out what work you really love doing:
- Find out what is your unique strength! Sort out what it is that you’re naturally good at.
- Discover what is your framework or your hierarchy for making decisions. Figure out what do you really care about and stop selling your soul for some cause that you don`t care about.
- Try out new things! We constantly learn about things we love or hate, that we`re good or terrible at, but all of this together is what we call our life experience.
- Start a journal. Take note on what it is about people that inspire you, so that over time you’ll have this repository of things which you can use to apply to your life and have a more passionate existence and make a better impact on your development.
- Push the limits. Every new invention was dismissed as crazy at first and then it became the new trend in town.
Most people haven’t spent time understanding what really matters for them and kept reaching for something that is meaningless. But once you have put this framework together, you can start to identify the things that make you come alive.
Two reasons why people don`t DO things
A) They tell themselves they can’t;
B) People around them tell them they can’t.
We keep telling ourselves that we cannot do certain things. These are just milestones, waiting to be accomplished if we can push those limits a bit. Once you achieve a higher level of self-confidence in your ability to develop yourself, you can start transferring this into the rest of your world. The best and fastest way to do this is to surround yourself with passionate people that are already doing what they love.
You don’t need to change your goals. You just need to change your surroundings. Everything was impossible, until somebody did it! You can either hang around people who tell you it can’t be done and tell you you’re dimwitted for trying, or surround yourself with people who inspire you to just do it.
Scott Dinsmore left life at a Fortune 500 company to help others do work that they love. After researching what thousands of employees truly wanted out of life, he founded the organization Live Your Legend.
As the Chief Experimenter, he not only supplies practical career tools, but connects more than 100,000 people worldwide to encourage each other’s dreams — putting community at the center of success. His legacy will live on through his passion, dedication and strong community of dreamers and doers.
Watch this incredibly entertaining TED Talk and find out how to pinpoint the work you love, as told by Scott Dinsmore.
Video source: S. Dinsmore (2012), How to find work you love, TED Talks

Tags: Individual Performance, Job Satisfaction, Multimedia