Celebrating the bicentenary of The Italian Academy of Management (AIDEA)!
In order to mark its 200 anniversary, AIDEA is hosting a conference on the theme: The firm’s role in the economy: Does a growth-oriented business model exists? , Lecce, 19-21th of September 2013. The conference addresses to all AIDEA members and international scholars in accounting, management, organizational studies, banking and finance.
AIDEA conference is organized into six specific tracks:
- Economia Aziendale – Italian language
- Accounting and Management – Italian language
- Accounting – The role of accounting in the economic development: Theoretical models and empirical evidence (in English language)
- Management – Management of growth and growth of management (in English language)
- Public Management – Organizational and Inter-Institutional performance management in Public Administration for sustainable growth (in English language)
- Banking and Finance – The role of financial institutions and markets during the crisis and their contribution to the economic growth (in English language).
Starting date for paper submission: 01 March 2013
Deadline for paper submission: 06 April 2013
The Public Management track was proposed by Carmine Bianchi, Elio Borgonovi, and William C. Rivenbark and the papers submitted will be published on a special issue of the International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA).
IJPA submissions will be accepted from October 1, 2013 until November 15, 2013.
More details about the submission procedure and registration fees can be found in the attached brochure: Special-Issue-PM-IJPA

Tags: Education and Training performance, The Italian Academy of Management