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Practitioner Interview: Tom McKeown, CEO at TrenData, USA


tomBack in 2018, the Performance Magazine editorial team interviewed Tom McKeown, CEO at TrenData, USA. His thoughts and views on Performance Management are presented in detail below.

Human beings in a free market society are always looking to move on or up. In addition to grading individuals on how they are doing in their current job, it’s motivating to let them know what levels they need to hit.

The Balanced Scorecard: review and criticism


Balanced Scorecard Performance Management

Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton’s 1996 book ‘’The Balanced Scorecard: Translating strategy into action” is considered to be a major contribution to the development of performance management, as their work has changed the way performance is measured. In the almost 20 years that have passed since its publishing, the Balanced Scorecard System has been implemented by thousands of companies and organizations worldwide, proving its value in time.


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