KPI of the Day – Business Consulting (BC): $ Blended rate

Measures the average gross hourly bill, no matter the type of professional that worked on the assignment.
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Measures the average gross hourly bill, no matter the type of professional that worked on the assignment.
We use ratings in our daily lives more often than you might expect. We look to Yelp for restaurant ratings, to Rotten Tomatoes for movie ratings; we can even find ratings on medical doctors and university professors. We ask people to rate our seminars and training events. Everywhere, ratings have snuck into decision-making processes in our everyday lives.
Measures the average time period between the launch of the new product and when it starts to make a profit.
Measures the training each Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) receives in a given time period.
Indicates the net profit generated in one reporting period for each ordinary share outstanding, including common stock equivalents. The net profit is adjusted by the dividends on preferred shares when appropriate.