The “Let’s do it! ” initiative, a country clean-up project, was born in Estonia in 2008. By mobilizing the wider community, a team of volunteers succeeded in cleaning the waste deposited in many places across the country. Realized exclusively with volunteers, good-will and with the support of technology, the project was of a great success, replicated or in the process of being replicated in 7 other countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, Portugal, India and Italy.
Along with the rise of social networking sites, a new type of games emerged and found favorable grounds to develop. These are the so called social games, simple games that let people play with their friends on networking sites such as Facebook. (Gross, D., CNN, 2010)
According to a new press release from Statistics Netherlands, “in the period 1997–2007 real expenditure by subsidized educational institutes increased by 9 billion euro, from 20 to 29 billion euro. Some 3.2 billion euro can be attributed to changes in demography and participation in education, and 5.8 billion euro to increased spending per participant” (Statistics Netherlands, 2010).
Agency theory has its origins in the research conducted by economists in the 1960s and 1970s, exploring risk sharing among individuals and groups, such as the relationship between insurers and customers.