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Monitoring Healthcare Information Systems with Key Performance Indicators

Monitoring Healthcare Information Systems with KPIs  

Throughout the years, the healthcare industry has become increasingly more complex due to technological and medical evolution and, as a result, it is characterized today by an overwhelming amount of information. Therefore, hospitals require an efficient information system that will enable the proper management of all these requirements.

Translation – there’s more to it than words


Translation KPIs

In today’s multicultural environment, in which cross-border exchanges take place every minute, translation is an activity that touches almost any business area one can think of. And the more efficient the translation process, the better. But how can an organization providing translation services know whether it is performing well or not, if it is not looking into its outcomes?

KPIs for HR Shared Service Centers


HR Shared Service Centers

An HR Shared Service’s role is to manage employee relations and provide a standardized customer services for personnel regardless of their location. For a better service delivery, large companies automate most of their processes. Moreover, integrating technology at a high level allows HR professionals to focus more on important tasks and allocate less time for transactional matters.


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