KPI of the Day – Sales: $ Baseline sales

Estimates expected sales, excluding those sales that are a result of the marketing program.
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Estimates expected sales, excluding those sales that are a result of the marketing program.
The construction industry, which is one of the most dynamic fields, is an important contributor to the country’s economy and also an enabler for its allied branches, like the production of steel, cement and chemicals. The construction projects’ specificity and the wide number of partners involved in the value chain, such as contractors and designers, increase the complexity of performance measurement in this specific area.
When evaluating the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) performance of a web site, there are some KPIs which you can find very valuable, as they will point you in the right direction in terms of showing you your website’s traffic number, referrals, domains linked to you and much more.
A metric refers to something we can measure. It has its roots in the word “metron”, used in ancient Greece to reflect measurement. For instance, air pollution, air temperature, water depth, people’s height or weight are all metrics.
Measures the amount of waste recycled by an organization, estimated in tonnes. It takes into account any waste specific to the organization’s activities, such as paper, electronic waste (for example, old computers and printers) and toxic materials.