Applied performance management sub- processes, tools and techniques within an organizational environment are a powerful driver for business development. However, it is not enough to operate randomly with these tools, they have to be aligned and integrated within a performance management system. When such aspect is not a priority in performance management inputs, outputs and outcomes will aim for different goals.
We live in the era when companies are getting bigger day by day and when bosses expect their employees to complete greater volumes of work in ever more restrictive timeframes. Efficiently managing all the tasks while also trying to please all team leaders and/ or colleagues can be frustrating.
The question then stands: Which task is more important? Especially when your team leaders ask you to prioritize one task before of another. This scenario offers 2 possible options:
There are two main factors which determine nowadays recruitment to become mass recruitment, no matter the area or the specialization. On the one hand, there is the globalization factor, which forces corporations into a process of fast development and growth from all points of view, including the number of employees operating within them.
Building a sustainable workforce today is a matter of developing manpower that can be both responsive and flexible with complex challenges and pressures within various working environments. So, how does a sustainable workforce look like?
Imagine, for a second, how the corporate world would be like, if the term “manager” was defined in English, as the person who controls an institution or department, and in Portuguese, as the person who drives a taxi. This would translate into companies facing obstacles when working with people and organizations across nations. Fortunately, this is not the case for today’s business language.