Who sustains this? The Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC), a wholly-owned company of the Government of Dubai, which develops downstream and upstream activities in the oil and gas sector. Saeed Khoory, Chief Executive Officer at ENOC, asserts that “ENOC’s name will become synonymous with industry best practices across multiple industries and markets.” How is this going to happen? Through the right performance management approach.
When Kaplan and Norton’s second book, The Strategy Focused Organization was published, the Harvard Business Review hailed the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as one of the most significant contributions to management practice in the last 75 years. However, despite its well-publicized successes, many organizations that adopt a scorecard still fail to achieve the rewards they expect.
Why using Strategy Maps alongside Balanced Scorecard? If your balanced scorecard does not use a strategy map, then your scorecard will remain an operational tool, rather than one of strategy communication and execution. A strategy map sits in front of its balanced scorecard. It is very important to understand that each balanced scorecard has a strategy map. Rather than, each strategy map has a scorecard behind it.
One of the most comprehensive means of measuring and monitoring healthcare outcomes, quality, access, efficiency, and equity in the United States was designed in 2006 and updated in 2008, known as the National Scorecard on U.S. Health System Performance.
The history of the Balanced Scorecard in its popular form draws back at the beginning of 1992 when it was for the first time unveiled to the larger public by its authors Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton in an article published in the Harvard Business Review journal.
However, few are those who know which are the details of the Balanced Scorecard development and its origins. The Balanced Scorecard took shape as a result of a project involving 12 U.S. top companies. The project was run by Nolan Norton Institute in cooperation with Dr. Robert Kaplan during 1990-1991 and had as the main purpose to research and test best practice performance measurement solutions used at that point in practice in United States.