Professor Tim Ambler from the London Business School is one of the leading authorities in marketing performance measurement and investigating the impact of marketing on finance. In his 2003 book,‘Marketing and the Bottom Line’, he explores aspects such as marketing metrics, performance of the marketing mix, innovation performance and brand equity.
A recent interview conducted by Bruno Aziza, Director – Worldwide Strategy Lead – Business Intelligence at Microsoft with Dr. Robert Kaplan“Baker Foundation Professor” at Harvard Business School, co-creator of the Balanced Scorecard concept, reveals several interesting insights on the key enablers of strategy execution and organizational success.
comScore, one of the leading companies offering comprehensive digital marketing intelligence and measurement services, has released this month the 2010 U.S. Digital Year in Review, presenting the key digital media trends of the year 2010, as well as their possible implications for the year 2011. The research focuses on areas such as e-commerce, social networking, online marketing, video and mobile markets, highlighting aspects such as media consumption behavior, consumer trends in digital media, new and emerging digital technologies.
Due to the economic instability, 2010 has been a year with significant challenges for Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) and marketers around the world. 2011 is also expected to be challenging, as the effects of the economic recession continue to be felt in many economies, as well as changes in customer’s expectations and demands.
Ever wondered what is corporate governance all about?
From ‘Code of ethics’ to ‘Charter of Values’, Italcementi Group’s 2008 Sustainable Development Report includes an excellent synthesis of its corporate governance taxonomy: