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Strategy Formulation: Emirates Identity Authority Strategic Plan 2014-2016


The Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) is an independent federal authority in the UAE that was established in 2004. EIDA’s main purpose as a governmental agency is focused on “the establishment of a modern population register in order to facilitate the obtainment of government services as well as to provide the required information for supporting decision making, strategic planning and the allocation of sources in all vital sectors in the UAE”, as documented on their website.

Expert interview: Lauren Borja, Head of Corporate Strategic Planning at BBV, Philippines Air Force, in Philippines



The KPI Institute’s Performance Management in 2014: ASEAN Special Edition report is built on the belief that a balanced approach in such research endeavors can only be achieved by triangulating the opinions of practitioners, academics and consultants alike. In 2014, Lauren Borja, Head of Corporate Strategic Planning working with BBV, Philippines Air Force, was one of the practitioners who offered us rich insights into performance related research and trends.

“Performance management is a way for an organization to constantly look into causal relationships and address identified gaps.”


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