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Banking disclosed: issues of low transaction volume branches


Over the past decades, financial institutions worldwide or banks, in particular, have had to deal with the pressures of an industry that is continuously changing its game. New, or updated, market regulations, increasing defaults on loans due to unemployment, collapses in the housing market, and rising overhead costs, have all exhausted the banking system. Moreover, the fragmentation between large transaction volume branches and low transaction volume branches has substantially impacted numerous banks all over the world.

User Experience and Digital Marketing performance. 6 emerging trends in 2015


user experience performance

With the era of technology and automation, each year brings up new challenges, for both individuals and business entities. Nowadays, adapting to the continuous progress and generating value represent both the greatest challenges experienced by business developer and two main success levers. User experience has grown into becoming an imperative aspect that you will want to integrate in your online strategy, in order to increase the number of website visitors, to engage them to your website and, why not, to turn potential clients into loyal ones.

A journey: excellence in delivering webinars


If your intention of delivering a successful webinar is followed by questions such as: “When should I drop promotional emails?”, “Should I be worried if half of the registrants didn’t actually attend the webinar?”, “What kind of engagement tools should I use?,” then you should know that the answers are more simple than expected: Thursday. No. Polls. There are some guidelines to support a much greater return of the efforts.

The Marketing capability. To benchmark or not to benchmark?



Benchmarking is acknowledged as being a core component of the marketing performance improvement, and its main purpose is that of assessing an organization’s strategy, products, and processes, and comparing them with those of the world’s best-in-class organizations. Benchmarking can bring several benefits to the organization, including cultural change, improved performance, better trained employees, as well as more efficient and effective marketing activities.

Reaching the right audience in North America. A Digital Marketing perspective


Marketing has significantly changed during the last years, due to the evolution of the World Wide Web. Nowadays, it is much easier to reach the desired audience, at the right time. When thinking about the means of mass communication, such as newspapers, radio broadcasting and television, which have been present in our lives for many years now, there come some very relevant marketing-related questions: who is a company actually targeting through its mass communication campaigns? How can it know if the targeted consumers have seen the message or have payed attention to it? And, most importantly, how can a company measure the impact of its mass advertising campaigns?


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