Marketing, Storytelling and how some ideas were Made to Stick
Every day, we are surrounded by a wide variety of products, but the fraction that we actually own and regularly use can be considered rather small.
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Every day, we are surrounded by a wide variety of products, but the fraction that we actually own and regularly use can be considered rather small.
One of the hardest parts about running a business is getting customers through the door. This is especially true in the online world where users have access to a sea of competing options.
With over 1 billion unique users, 100 hours of video uploaded every minute, and 17% of all internet traffic flowing through, YouTube is undeniably the largest video sharing website, accounting for over 4 billion video views a day.
Developed based on the US Office of Personnel Development Performance (OMP) methodology of turning organizations into performance driven work places, the 585 Approach relies on Key Actions to guide you through a simplified performance process. This consists of 8 steps taken to develop an individual plan and 5 performance principles designed to highlight when performance initiatives are needed.
The main reasons for implementing a benchmarking methodology in the IT industry is the companies’ need to identify key opportunities and ensure the transformation of knowledge into feasible actions and projects.