All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, is how an English saying goes. Fast-forward to the 21st century and we can adapt it to sound less catchy, but equally valuable: all work and no reward makes people disengaged.
In today’s rapidly changing and demanding modern world, stress is unavoidable. However, we all acknowledge how harmful stress can be to our health, state of mind, relationships and work performance.
It’s payday. The decisions you make today might have an influence over your state of happiness, as numerous studies have shown. Buying experiences and making memories – such as going on a trip, make you happier than buying material possessions, despite many people frequently considering the latter of a greater value. Hence, you might have been looking for happiness in all the wrong places.
Very simply put, personal finance looks into how your money is managed. From budgeting to investing and from debt to insurance, personal finance management is often considered challenging, especially when managing a restricted budget.
Our success as a species and as a society depends on our ability to communicate. However, it is not only about communication, but about efficient one. Even as individuals, groups and family members, we need to communicate, in order to express our thoughts, feelings, dreams, pain. Crosswise, people need to develop the ability to listen, not only to hear and, therefore, to actively become aware of the emotions and beliefs of the people they interact with.