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Business Process Reengineering: The Path to Maximum Efficiency


Source: Canva


To be competitive in today’s fast-changing business environment, companies must continually increase efficiency. Reengineering workflows and business processes may help accomplish this. Business process reengineering is a company management technique that analyzes and redesigns workflows and processes. It completely restructures company operations to increase quality and improve costs, service, and speed. In the early 1990s, BPR was introduced to identify, evaluate, and restructure an organization’s essential business processes to eliminate redundancies, reduce mistakes, and boost efficiency. It rigorously analyzes, rethinks, and redesigns mission-delivery processes. Business process improvement (BPI) differs from BPR. The latter rejects rules and revamps processes from a high-level viewpoint, unlike BPI, which only makes incremental adjustments.

Identifying the Triggers for BPR

Figure 1. BPR Triggers | Source: Adapted from LinkedIn

Businesses may realize the need for BPR when they observe certain signs that indicate inefficiencies or bottlenecks in their current processes. Here are some key indicators that suggest a business might benefit from BPR:
  1. Non-value-added activities: These are tasks or processes that do not add value to the business or its customers.
  2. Too many hand-offs: Processes involving too many hand-offs or transfers between different departments or individuals can lead to delays and miscommunication.
  3. Process bloat: Overly complex or bloated processes can slow down operations and reduce efficiency. 
  4. Difficulty in scaling up: This occurs when a business struggles to scale its operations due to inefficient or poorly integrated systems.
  5. Repetitive tasks: These are characterized by employees finding themselves doing the same thing repeatedly, especially tasks that could be automated.

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BPR Best Practices

  • Process mapping: This involves defining the scope, purpose, and goal of the project, and then mapping out the sequence of tasks or steps that are performed to achieve a certain goal or outcome. This can help identify gaps, redundancies, bottlenecks, delays, errors, and rework in the workflow.
  • Analyzing current processes: This involves reviewing the current workflows and processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This includes looking for common inefficiencies such as overproduction, waiting, transportation, overprocessing, and motion.
  • Identifying redundancies: Redundancies are any processes, procedures, roles, reports, meetings, or other business activities that are duplicative, outdated, or otherwise unnecessary. Once these are identified, they can subsequently be eliminated.
  • Using workflow analysis tools: Workflow analysis tools can help visualize, analyze, and improve business processes. These tools can identify inefficiencies, streamline operations, and automate manual tasks.
  • Implementing automation: Workflow automation tools can help streamline routine business processes for optimal efficiency. These tools can reduce busy work and optimize processes, allowing employees to focus on more important tasks.

Benefits of BPR

  • Improved collaboration: Optimized processes, particularly those that are automated, provide a centralized system for tracking tasks and sharing data. This shared access to information can improve collaboration among departments, reducing the risk of miscommunication and errors. 
  • Enhanced productivity: Process optimization can lead to significant increases in operational efficiency. By streamlining processes and automating routine tasks, employees can work more effectively and deliver quality work in a timely manner.
  • Empowerment: Reengineered processes often involve redistributing power and authority among functions and levels, empowering individuals to think, interact, use judgment, and make decisions. This fosters innovation and creativity among employees, leading to better solutions to problems and faster problem-solving times.
  • Innovation and creativity: Integrating innovation and creativity into the reengineering process can lead to more effective and sustainable process improvements.

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Case Study: Domino’s

In 2008, Domino’s stock price hit an all-time low, rendering it nearly bankrupt. The transformation began with a complete overhaul of its ingredients, recipes, and menu, but the real game-changer was its focus on digital transformation. 

Domino’s focused on three key areas for its digital transformation: customer experience, data analytics, and technology infrastructure. The company implemented a unified digital platform that integrated online ordering, customer feedback, and delivery tracking.

One of the most significant steps in this transformation was the introduction of the “Pizza Tracker” technology in 2008, which kept customers updated on the progress of their orders. This innovation, along with others, changed the brand perception of Domino’s from a pizza delivery company to a technology-driven company.

By 2018, Domino’s overtook Pizza Hut as the largest pizza delivery company globally, with a market share of 18.6%. The company’s revenue grew from $1.4 billion to $3.5 billion, and its net income increased significantly. The company’s stock price also saw a dramatic increase, from around $3.00 a share in 2008 to $211 in 2018-2019.

In Conclusion

BPR is a critical component of any organization’s quest for maximum efficiency. By identifying and eliminating inefficiencies, streamlining processes, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can successfully reengineer workflows, enabling them to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.

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Preparing for the Future: Why Businesses Should Build Organizational Resilience

organizational resilience blackboard

Image Source: Gerd Altmann | Pixabay

Today’s fast-paced and rapidly changing business environment is characterized by uncertainty and the interdependence of economies, societies, and markets. Thus, organizations are facing numerous challenges that can threaten their ability to survive and thrive. According to the Harvard Business Review, the key forces stressing the business landscape include the pandemic and geopolitical instability along with other factors, such as technological disruption, climate change, and globalization. Unsurprisingly, given these difficulties, business leaders decided to focus on organizational resilience in order to adapt to this dynamic environment, leverage opportunities, and deliver sustainable performance improvement.

In a report from Cranfield School of Management, Professor David Denyer defines organizational resilience as the ability of an entity to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and adapt to incremental change and sudden disruptions to survive and prosper. His paper underlines the idea that organizational resilience requires special control over multiple independent and redundant layers of protection for all critical assets (people, products, property, information) and compliance (standard operating procedures, processes, and training).

Organizations can increase their resilience by adopting various frameworks and models (see Figure 1).

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To increase resilience, organizations should develop capabilities, competencies, and principles that are aligned with their chosen resilience framework or model. Some of the capabilities and competencies that can enhance resilience include leadership commitment, risk management, business continuity planning, incident response planning, communication, training, and awareness, according to Stephanie Duchek’s article from 2019. In addition, the six principles stated by Harvard Business Review for enhancing organizations and decision processes to become more resilient can be consulted (see Figure 2).

organizational resilience principles

Figure 2. The 6 Principles for Increasing Resilience of Long-Lasting Systems | Source: Adapted from Harvard Business Review 2020 Article

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The International Consortium For Organizational Resilience (ICOR), a global consortium of business continuity and resilience professionals, developed a model based on ISO 22316. The model is composed of three dimensions (leadership & strategy, preparedness & managerial risk, and culture & behavior) with nine strategies directly subordinated to them and six sets of corresponding behaviors. One benefit of the ICOR model is its structured approach to resilience management, which can help organizations better understand their vulnerabilities and develop more effective risk mitigation and response plans. The model also emphasizes the importance of ongoing evaluation and improvement of resilience plans, which can help organizations stay ahead of evolving threats.

There are some limitations to the ICOR model that may not be suitable for all types of organizations— particularly smaller or less complex ones—because, in comparison with big enterprises, most SME owners do not have access to resilience training and tools or their employees are not involved in the development of strategies to increase an entity’s resilience, as stated by the International Labour Organization. Additionally, the model may not adequately account for potential cascading or interdependent risks.

Despite its limitations, the ICOR model is widely used to measure resilience in a variety of industries, including healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing. It is important to mention that this model is not used in most cases by itself, but rather in combination with one or more frameworks or models mentioned above, depending on the needs and the industry in which the organization operates. 

To thrive in today’s tumultuous business environment, organizations must develop the capabilities and competencies necessary to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to disturbances effectively.

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Lessons From Internal Scanning: The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Climate

businessman wearing orange tie

Image Source: Tumisu | Pixabay

Like a captain steering a ship through a stormy sea, leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the organizational climate, which in turn affects the individual’s level of commitment to the organization, job satisfaction, and productivity. Creating a positive organizational climate requires management to focus on promoting autonomy, freedom, and support. Organizations can use internal environment scanning methods such as employee surveys, focus groups, and organizational culture analysis to gain insights into how leadership affects the work environment—knowledge that can then be used to create a positive climate to enhance employee knowledge, behavior, and effectiveness.

Critical factors such as interaction with team members, behavioral patterns, and the quality of the leader’s information—which covers updates, decisions, and strategic plans that they need to communicate to their team—all shape the organizational climate. Leadership behavior can significantly influence employee attitude and behavior. Studies have shown that managers who acknowledge their team members’ accomplishments can improve the perception of the organizational climate and leadership quality. 

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Conducting an internal environment scan can help assess the current state of the organizational climate and identify opportunities for improvement. The organizational culture analysis, a method of internal environment scanning, involves reviewing the values, beliefs, and behaviors of employees and aims to gain insights into how leadership is perceived and how it is influencing the culture of the organization.

One company that values its organizational culture and recognizes the significant role of leadership in shaping the work environment is Netflix. The company empowers employee decision-making by widely sharing internal documents, such as memos on title performance, strategy decisions, and product features. 

Additionally, Netflix prioritizes open and direct communication by investing in coaching and modeling behaviors. To promote good decision-making, the company emphasizes the need for highly effective people and fewer management layers. The company encourages a “context not control” culture where leaders are expected to coach, set context, and provide feedback instead of micromanaging while employees make their own decisions. To foster this culture, Netflix values certain behaviors and skills in its employees, such as good judgment, selflessness, courage, communication, inclusion, integrity, passion, innovation, and curiosity. 

The company employs a feedback system that includes surveys and focus groups to continuously improve its operations. A recent initiative to promote work-life balance involved the implementation of an unlimited vacation policy, which was contingent on fulfilling job responsibilities and goals. To set a precedent, leaders take vacations themselves and urge their teams to do likewise.

As we can clearly see from Netflix’s example, leadership has a significant impact on the organizational climate. This highlights the importance of internal environment scanning to identify opportunities for improvement. 

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