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Performance Management – a story told through key survey figures and statistics


Performance Management Timeline Performance Architect update 20/2010

Performance Management is one of the most dynamic business disciplines today. Its evolution accelerated over the last 20 years and due to the large number of concepts it employs and unstructured body of knowledge, having a comprehensive big picture view of the topic is rather challenging. One way of achieving this is by reading a lot and doing a critical review to the various ideas proposed. Another option is by monitoring the pulse of the discipline as reflected in studies and survey reports covering performance management topics.

Assessing organizational performance management capability – The Performance Management Maturity Model


The Performance Management Maturity Model

A model is a simplified representation of the world. According with The American Heritage Dictionary (2001), a model can have multiple significations, one of the most used  being “a schematic description of a system, theory, or phenomenon, that accounts for its known or inferred properties and may be used for further study of its characteristics”.

BARC research study: Performance Management – Current Challenges and Future Directions


Performance Management - Current Challenges and Future Directions

Between March and May 2009, Business Application Research Center (BARC) an unbiased market analyst based in Germany, conducted a study regarding the maturity of organisational Performance Management processes. The study had 553 respondents from around the world, across a wide range industries, countries and organizations.


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