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Measuring the performance of world economies


Performance of world economies

The Economist analyzed in a recent article which economies have fared best and worst during the global financial crisis. The article highlights that the real GDP is no longer the best measure for comparing output, because of demographic changes. Canada, like the United States, has a fast-growing population, whereas the number of Germans and Japanese has started to shrink (The Economist, 2011). The Economist considers the Real GDP per head to be a better measure in order to offer an accurate comparison among worldwide economies’ performance.

Business Analytics in Manufacturing


Business Analytics in Manufacturing

Businesses, from the production sector have more data than ever before, stored in more than one system and places, are used in different ways. Progress in information technology has fueled this explosive increase opportunity both in creating fresh ways for producers in order to reach new markets and clients and complexity in an effort to collect, manage and interpret data and information which can help guide them through success.

The 3rd Edition Summer School in Managing Dynamic Complexity in the Public Sector – a System Dynamics-based Balanced Scorecard Approach


Managing Dynamic Complexity in the Public Sector

The 3rd Summer School on Managing Dynamic Complexity in the Public Sector: a System Dynamics-based Balanced Scorecard Approach is an elective course offered by the University of Palermo (Italy) with the support of University of North Carolina (USA). It also is part of the curriculum of the International Ph.D. program in “Model Based Public Planning, Policy Design and Management” which is jointly run with the Universities of Bergen (Norway) and Nijmegen (The Netherlands).

Accountability through performance measures in academic education – North Carolina Community Colleges case study


North Carolina Community Colleges Performance

North Carolina Community Colleges  initiated in1993 an accountability system for monitoring performance data on specific measures to ensure public accountability for programs and services. In 2011, The Critical Success Factors report was launched as an accountability document presenting 8 generic performance measures based on which the Board reviews performance.


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