Designing A Festive Menu To Maximize Restaurant Profits

Restaurants served almost double the number of meals on Christmas Eve compared to the average day, in a survey conducted by OpenTable in 2015, and this trend has continued since.
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Restaurants served almost double the number of meals on Christmas Eve compared to the average day, in a survey conducted by OpenTable in 2015, and this trend has continued since.
Because of the Industrial Revolution, when everything was primarily based on manufacturing, we became obsessed with process and efficiency, an obsession that has characterized businesses up until the present day, when we tend to think only about numbers.
The world is in a constant state of flux as technology evolves, customs change and priorities shift. These fundamental truths affect business as well, and professionals have to be willing to adapt if they’re going to ensure their company’s survival in the coming decade.
Companies make large investments for their employees’ training, development and exert a great desire to retain top-performing employees.
The average senior manager spends up to 23 hours per week preparing, participating or following up on meetings. And still, an estimated 85% of executives are dissatisfied with the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational meetings, according to Steven G. Rogelberg. Employees spend approximately 6 hours a week attending meetings which they believe are a complete waste of time.