The case for using a Performance Management Glossary Performance Architect update 4/2010
Some of the most asked questions in performance management discussions, either online or during conversations are:
2010 Australian Open Grand Slam in Melbourne: Tennis Metrics and beyond
In two previous posts we have presented how information technology solutions can shape the world of sport. By gathering and analyzing the most important bits of data, the Castrol Index and Ranking system presents both specialists and fans of football and cricket with a unique dataset and user experience. Hundreds of statistics and rankings about players and teams performance during games or even entire competitions are now available at a “touch of a button”.
Performance Management IQ Test or a hermeneutic dialectic process Performance Architect update 3/2010
A new feature available on starting with this month is the smartKPIs Performance Management IQ test.
Tracking and improving sales pipeline performance
A sales pipeline or a sales funnel refers to the multiple stages in customer interactions. Below we suggest a simple approach to illustrating a sales pipeline, suggesting three stages along with the AIDA approach for each of them: