Oftentimes, maybe due to the fact that increasing pressure is put on marketers to show in numbers the results of their actions and the budget they consume, companies strive too much to measure their marketing performance and forget or find it hard to actually manage it.
A recent Aberdeen Report, released in October 2010, looks into the strategies and tactics used by companies in order to forge stronger linkages between execution and corporate strategy using performance dashboards.
Just half of century ago, patient records in the medical practice were kept in the form of traditional written / typed documents. One of the most important developments in the medical practice that was possible with the technological enhancement of computers and, later on, the internet, is considered to be the electronic medical record (EMR). Not only did it permit a better and easier management of patient information within the healthcare unit, but is also made possible the integration of patient intelligence at local or even national level, this integration being vital in the perspective of treating or moving the same patient to other hospitals.
Continuing the incursion into the most popular and used marketing models and tools, which can add value to managing and increasing marketing performance, we explore in this post the Ansoff Matrix.
Also called the product / market grid, the Ansoff Matrix, is a visual representation in the shape of a matrix that maps the growth strategies based on the type of product and the type of market. As a result, four strategies have been suggested, as it follows: