Along with the rise of social networking sites, a new type of games emerged and found favorable grounds to develop. These are the so called social games, simple games that let people play with their friends on networking sites such as Facebook. (Gross, D., CNN, 2010)
According to a new press release from Statistics Netherlands, “in the period 1997–2007 real expenditure by subsidized educational institutes increased by 9 billion euro, from 20 to 29 billion euro. Some 3.2 billion euro can be attributed to changes in demography and participation in education, and 5.8 billion euro to increased spending per participant” (Statistics Netherlands, 2010).
With an estimated number of 122.566 establishments of all kinds (public, academic and school libraries) only in the Unites States (American Library Association, 2010), the public library sector is of major importance for the long-term development of the mankind, collecting and making available for use valuable sources of information people need and use in all-related aspects of life.
According to a report from global information services companyExperian Hitwise, Facebook visitors are more loyal to News and Media websites than are visitors from “In particular, among the top 5 Print Media websites in the week ending March 6, 2010, 78% of users were returning visitors compared to 67% from Google News. The figures are almost identical for Broadcast Media, with a 77% returning rate for compared to 64% for Google News.”