Every country on the planet has its own monetary concerns. Have you ever thought about what sort of things people are most interested in, when scanning for the cost of something? What costs are most searched for in each country and how often does the same inquiry repeat itself, from one nation to another?
Marketing has significantly changed during the last years, due to the evolution of the World Wide Web. Nowadays, it is much easier to reach the desired audience, at the right time. When thinking about the means of mass communication, such as newspapers, radio broadcasting and television, which have been present in our lives for many years now, there come some very relevant marketing-related questions: who is a company actually targeting through its mass communication campaigns? How can it know if the targeted consumers have seen the message or have payed attention to it? And, most importantly, how can a company measure the impact of its mass advertising campaigns?
Nowadays, due to increasing competition in the business world, most of the firms and organizations are obliged to adjust to new ways of enhancing their performance. This improvement is mainly linked with the implementation of performance management systems, new strategic directions, or important shifts in the strategy of the organization.
Making data available to citizens is no news for the Governments which aim at improving their current level of performance. The City of Seattle has understood that a transparent approach to conducted activities and obtained results is the leading path towards both a better relationship with the citizens, and a roadmap to performance.
Ten years ago, cities rankings were mainly based on their growth per capita. Today, urban competitiveness revolves around the complex notion of a smart city. As such, one city stands out year after year, securing a top position in almost all city rankings. Tokyo excels due to attributes like livability, transparency, safety, future orientation and agenda, among so many others.