Performance Magazine Barbara Krumay, Stefan Bauer, Sebastian Margiol, bringing measurement beyond financial performance, at the 2014 PMA Conference - Performance Magazine

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Barbara Krumay, Stefan Bauer, Sebastian Margiol, bringing measurement beyond financial performance, at the 2014 PMA Conference


Sebastian Margiol PMA 2014 Conference

Dr. Barbara Krumay, Stefan Bauer and Mag. Sebastian Margiol from the Institute for Information Management and Control of the Vienna University presented a paper titled “Measurement Beyond Financial Performance: Security and Privacy”, on the second day of the 2014 PMA Conference.

Presented by Sebastian Margiol, from the Institute for Information Management and Control of the Vienna University, their study stems from the axiom that performance measurement is the keystone to an effective performance management system.

However, the authors argue that non-financial performance indicators are as important as the financial ones, yet they do not regularly benefit from the same attention, in both practice and research.

Hence, they have conducted a literature review, in order to establish what KPI and BSC approaches companies have applied to measuring dimensions like security and privacy.

What they have found was the fact that information security and privacy measurement were seldom addressed, both in practice or research. This, the authors argue, demonstrates an incongruence between acknowledging the importance of performance measurement and designing efficient methods with which one may address it rigorously.

Sebastian Margiol PMA 2014 Conference

Regarding intimacy and privacy, within an organizational context, the authors find the following:

  • “Security” and “safety” are sometimes used interchangeably, or perceived as being the same concept;
  • There is an inconsistency between the stated need for measurement and the lack of studies supporting the development of more efficient measures;
  • Information privacy, on the other hand, is largely not perceived as influential to business performance.

The authors have claimed that their literature review is a solid foreground for future research on non-financial indicators, such as privacy and security, and the value it brings to business performance.

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