Balanced Scorecard Forum 2011 – correspondence from Dubai – Day 1
The 2011 edition of the Balanced Scorecard Forum Dubai started today,with 3 parallel workshops:
- Executing Strategy with Balanced Scorecard) – facilitated by Aldo Labaki & Roberto Wyszkowski, Palladium UAE;
- Strategy Audit – Getting the Starting Point Right – facilitated by Alan Fell, Alan Fell Consultancy, UK;
- Strengthen Your Organisation with “Lean” Principles – facilitated by Alan Power, MPower, UK.

The interactive workshops were rich in examples of best practice, case studies and exercises, facilitating experiential learning.
The first workshop consisted in thee sections: introduction in strategy review meetings, case study – strategy review meeting simulation and presentation of the Strategy Management Office. In the third workshop, Alan Power clarified the concepts of Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma, focusing on the importance of optimizing processes part of the value creation chain for client and on eliminating waste from these processes.
Workshop delegates came from a variety of backgrounds, from industries such as: oil and gas, public administration, finance and healthcare and countries such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Nigeria and Qatar.
Day 2 of the forum will continue with a Masterclass delivered by the co-developers of the Balanced Scorecard, Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton. For more updates from the event, stay tuned to the blog.

Tags: Balanced Scorecard, Performance in Dubai, Performance in UAE, Performance Management Events