Balanced Scorecard Forum 2011 – correspondence from Dubai – Day 3
Balanced Scorecard Dubai Forum 2011 continued with the second part of the Masterclass by Dr. Robert Kaplan si Dr. David Norton. Among the topics covered were:
- The relationship between Risk Management and the Strategy Management System, workshop facilitated by Dr. Robert Kaplan;
- Setting up KPI targets and linking them to compensation as part fo the Balanced Scorecard based strategy management system, workshop facilitated by Dr. David Norton;

- Case Study presentation: the Balanced Scorecard implementation at the Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority (ADWEA), facilitated by Mohamed Guidoum from the Planning and Development Department of ADWEA;

- Balanced Scorecard implementation: Linking strategy to operations, facilitated by Dr. Kaplan si Dr. Norton.

The day concluded with a Q&A session (Kaplan-Norton Klinic), on topics such as: Balanced Scorecard implementation in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the issue of separating the Office of Risk Management from the Office of Strategy Management and linking performance to the compensation system.

Starting with tomorrow, the main conference will open its doors with a session facilitated by Paul Niven followed by a series of practitioner presentations on their experience of using Balanced Scorecard in practice.

Tags: David Norton, Paul Niven, Performance in Dubai, Performance in UAE, Performance Management Events, Robert Kaplan