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Alent – Measuring performance with KPIs


Supplier KPIs

Alent is a leading supplier of advanced, consumable specialty chemicals and engineered materials used primarily in the electronics, automotive and industrial end market segments. They supply high performance consumable products and services which create value by enabling superior end-product performance in the areas of functionality, reliability and longevity.

In the electronics market, there is a strong trend towards increased connectivity and portability in consumer electronics. Consumer demand is for faster, smaller and lighter products, which is leading to increasing miniaturization and complexity and the use of multi-layer circuit boards. Alent is at the leading edge of this trend and is a leading player in the development and supply of specialty materials into these fast-growing niches.

Alent monitors progress against its strategic objectives via a series of financial and non-financial KPIs:

Supplier KPIs

Health and Safety Performance

Alent’s operations involve the normal health and safety risks associated with manufacturing and other activities in the countries they operate. Alent’s HS&E management programs are designed to be forward-looking in the identification, management and mitigation of HS&E risks. Audits, inspections and risk analyses are used to assess and continually improve their safety programs. Both management system and compliance audits are performed and results shared across the organization.

The company uses a number of KPIs to evaluate health and safety performance globally. All Alent facilities report injuries in accordance with United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) record keeping rules.

Supplier KPIs

Environmental Performance

Alent’s manufacturing processes are not energy intensive and do not produce large quantities of air emissions. The company implemented a program aimed at reducing energy use and its associated emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). The following KPIs are monitored by Alent to assess its environmental performance:

Supplier KPIs

Alent delivered a solid set of results for the year despite challenging economic conditions during 2012. In the current challenging business environment, Alent continues to take the actions the board believes necessary to remain competitive and to monitor its progress through KPIs.


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The relationship with the customer doesn’t end at the store door
KPI Documentation Form at the Oregon Employment Department

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