About the role of performance-driven behavior in organizations, with André de Waal and Béatrice I.J.M. van der Heijden at the PMA 2014 Conference
The presentation “The Role of Performance Management in High Performance Organisation” was delivered, in the third day of the PMA 2014 Conference, by André A. de Waal, from Maastricht School of Management and Center for Organizational Performance and Béatrice I.J.M. van der Heijden, from Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Management Research, Netherlands.
Their research study focused on understanding the relationship between performance management and High Performance Organizations (HPO), by using the Performance Management Analysis (PMA) and HPO frameworks and surveying two Europe-based multinationals.
The PMA-HPO Model presented by Professor André de Waal is comprised of five main factors:
- Management quality;
- Openness and Action-Orientation;
- Long-Term Orientation;
- Continuous Improvement and Renewal;
- Workforce Quality.
André de Waal also presented the nine dimensions of PMA:
- Responsibility structure;
- Content;
- Integrity;
- Manageability;
- Alignment;
- Accountability;
- Management style;
- Action orientation;
- Communication.
The researchers have established that the PMA dimensions impact each HPO factor. The Accountability dimension has the strongest positive impact on creating and sustaining an HPO. Having this in mind, organizations now know which PMA dimensions they have to improve in order to optimize their chance to strengthen the HPO factors and increase its chance to create an effective performance management system.

Tags: Performance Management, PMA 2014 Conference