: While Gen Z and Millennial representatives were born during different year brackets, both similarities and differences that employers need to thoroughly understand before the first wave of Gen Z college graduates hits the job market.
: Collecting data on organizational decisions, analyzing it and checking it for accuracy will bring insights into the performance of a business, however this does not guarantee adequate decision-making. Therefore, to ensure that these insights are effectively transformed into actions, one should be familiar with the main steps of the decision-making process.
: Nowadays, we are reaping the fruits of the industrial revolution, the robotics revolution, and the technology revolution. Just as our ancestors might have wondered what the future held in working, we are living their future and wondering about our own. So what exactly does the future of work look like?
Tools of the Trade - FAQs about Performance Management tools
:Eachyear,weseemanytechnological advancementsandproductscometomarketthatinfluencethewayweconsume dataandenhancethewayweworkwithanalytics.Withthisinmind,let’sexplore the major trends of 2019 and see what this year has in store for us.
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