Winter School In Managing Dynamic Complexity in the Public Sector: a System Dynamics – based Balanced Scorecard Approach
We are pleased to recommend you The Winter School in Managing Dynamic Complexity in the Public Sector: a System Dynamics-based Balanced Scorecard Approach, a course offered by the University of Palermo (Italy) with the support of School of Government, University of North Carolina (USA).
The event will be held at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Via Maqueda 324, Palermo, between December 12th -16th 2011.
The course is part of the curriculum of the International Ph.D. program in Model Based Public Planning, Policy Design and Management which is jointly run with the Universities of Bergen (Norway) and Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
The Winter School will focus on the topic of Dynamic Balanced Scorecards (DBSCs).
More topics:
Also, for more information, please download the Programme WS 2011 PDF.

Tags: Government - Local performance, Performance Management, University of Palermo