Tech marketers’ expectations as return of their investment – Top marketing priorities for 2010
The results from the annual Marketing Survey conducted by Unisfair reveal interesting findings regarding what marketers see as top priorities for the year 2010 and what they expect to obtain from their marketing efforts. As the study shows, it seems that traditional marketing goals such as customer retention and brand awareness lose ground in favor of the generation of as much as possible sales leads.
Having an approximate number of 500 respondents, the research investigates issues such as top marketing priorities for 2010, which lead generation tools are to be most used, how marketers see the unqualified leads or, on the contrary, what are the „perfect” leads and how they can be identified (Unisfair 2010).
The top priority for this year’s marketers’ focus is the lead generation (66%), followed by brand awareness (17%) and customer retention (16%).
Important lead generation channels (see chart below) are expected to be the social media (74%), virtual events (39%) and mobile channels (34%):
As for the lead generation tools, the ones for which an increase in spending is intended to occur are the website, email campaigns, physical events and online advertising.
The lead analysis revealed that marketers consider unqualified leads mostly those that don’t have the budget to purchase in the following period of time, the product doesn’t fit their needs and interests or the contact information is incorrect.
The web meetings are mentioned as the most leveraged virtual marketing engagements, but the place of video conferencing is expected to be taken by virtual business events in the period to come (Unisfair, 2010).
To support the marketers’ need for assessing the return of their marketing investment in online channels and tools, contains more than 180 KPIs in the Online Presence – eCommerce area, that can be used to measure the performance of email marketing, online advertising, SEO and more.

Tags: Lead Generation, Marketing and Communications performance, Report Analysis, The Future of Tech Marketing