5 Tips for Increasing Workplace Productivity and Performance

Would you like your workforce to be more productive? Does it feel like they’re not reaching their full potential? Are you aware that it could be something you’re doing or not doing that’s affecting staff morale? Improving workplace productivity isn’t hard, but it will require some changes.
Your employees are a vital part of your business and if you’re able to make them happy, productivity will rise. Here are a few tips to help you improve productivity and efficiency in your business.
Provide the Right Tools
If you provide the right tools and equipment, your employees will be able to perform their duties efficiently and on time. The skills of your team are important, but the tools they use are equally important.
Finding the right software will make their work much easier and streamline the workflow. Time tracking apps can help your team stay organized. Collaboration apps promote and simplify teamwork. Communication apps are essential for sharing files, keeping conversations and tracking messages.
Get to Know Everyone Personally
Getting to know your staff members shows a genuine concern for them and helps to create a greater bond. Being more connected gives you an opportunity to learn what motivates them, what they love doing and what their aims are.
Knowing you care about them will mean they’re more motivated to work and feel obligated to work harder.
Spruce up the Workplace
The working environment should be one that makes your employees feel happy. It should also be an environment that suits your business culture. If your employees enjoy listening to music, provide a radio or music player so they can listen to their favorite tunes.
Other quick fixes include adding plants, letting in more light, painting the walls, removing clutter and encouraging employees to personalize their workspace.
Recognition and Reward
Tell your employees when they’re doing a good job and give constructive criticism. Offer personal incentives for a job well done. It could be free coffee for a week, a free holiday, or maybe even tickets to that one ball game they’ve wanted to see for so long, from something like ticketsales.com. Share the success of team members with other staff, and it will motivate others to perform.
When your employees are motivated to work harder and receive rewards in return, you’ll find them more likely to put increased productivity high on their list of priorities.
Encourage Regular Breaks
A study in 2014 revealed that the most effective employees work with regular breaks in between working sprints. On average that means 52 minutes working, followed by a 17-minute break. If your employees are working at a computer, taking breaks away from it helps them reset their mind and be ready to handle the next task.
To encourage employees to take a break you could relocate the coffee/water station further away from the working area, introduce a no eating at workstations policy, and implement a stretching session into the working day.
Try some of these suggestions, and you’ll be surprised how much the productivity of your workforce improves. You don’t have to spend a small fortune, but it might help if you put yourself in their shoes and think about how you can enhance your workplace culture to encourage productivity.
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Tags: Employee Motivation, Employee Performance, Positive Recognition, Productivity, Rewards