Helpful tips on how to perform an Employee Performance Review
There are a lot of things that go into your job description as an employer and part of it is to regularly schedule employee performance reviews. These reviews give you a chance to chat one on one with your employee and discuss strengths and weaknesses they may have. This performance review can then be used to determine if they are eligible for a wage increase.
In most companies these performance reviews are conducted on a yearly basis. They are bound to cause stress for the employee who is under review, but often the employer or HR person conducting the review is also under pressure to ensure they do a thorough review.
The following is a list of tips that can help you get more information as you prepare to conduct employee performance reviews.
Conduct Employee Satisfaction Surveys in Advance
Employee satisfaction surveys give employees a way to get more information and feedback from their staff, usually in an anonymous way. This information can then be useful as you head into performance reviews. It may help you form the questions you want to ask. You can find more information and other helpful tips on this topic from, The KPI Institute or many other reliable sources.
Prepare for the Review
Not only do you want to take the time to write out the questions to ask, you also want to prepare for the review in other ways. Have a full job description, the goals expected from the employee, and speak to those the employee works closely with. All of this can be shared in the review as a means of helping the employee being reviewed, as well as you.
Not a Place to Air Grievances for the First Time
The employee performance review shouldn’t be thought of as a place to air grievances with the employee’s performance for the first time. This should already have been discussed. The review shouldn’t come off as though they are being attacked.
Keep Things Positive
The entire review should be kept positive and optimistic. Where there is something negative to discuss, try to turn it around into a positive learning experience that is engaging and informative. The review is meant to be a helpful meeting for you and the employee, so keeping things positive will certainly help with this.
Give the Employee the Floor
While you will have plenty of questions to ask, there should be a chance to shift the focus to your employee and give them a floor. Ask for their input; ask if they feel they need more support and guidance, and if they have anything to add. This is a chance to gain insight into how they do their job and how you can help them do it even better.
It’s also important to ask employees how they think they are doing in their job, so ask for their own self-assessment. It will help them to feel valued and let them know you want their input.
By following these simple tips, you will be well on your way to conducting successful and insightful employee performance reviews. These reviews should benefit both parties, so keeping things positive and honest is the best way to go.
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Tags: Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Employee Survey, Individual Performance