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Insights on improving your odds of success from Eugene Burke at HR Summit and Expo 2014



The second day of the HR Summit and Expo 2014 brought the presentation “Improving the Odds of Success of Your High-Potential Programmes”, held by Eugene Burke, Chief Science & Analytics Officer at CEB.

The presentation was focused on describing High-Potential Organizations and on providing some pieces of advice for organizations in regards to employee management.

Firstly, Eugene Burke differentiated between high performance and employees with a high potential, mentioning that only 15% of high performance are high-potential. In order for an employee to be called “high-potential”, three elements are needed: Aspiration, Ability and Engagement.

Eugene Burke at HR Summit and Expo 2014

Burke also identified six factors that should be taken into consideration for becoming a High-Potential Organization, namely:

  • Level of activity;
  • Power;
  • Immersion;
  • Interest;
  • Flexibility;
  • Autonomy.
On variable and merit pay with Teodora Gorski at HR Summit and Expo 2014
On engaging talent with Liz Wiseman at the HR Summit and Expo 2014

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