Rick Edgeman addresses grand global challenges and their impact on sustained enterprise performance, at the PMA 2014 Conference
Professor Rick Edgeman, of the Aarhus University, held a presentation, on the second day of the 2014 PMA Conference. His presentation, dubbed “Grand Global Challenges in relation to superior and sustained enterprise performance & Impact” looks at the challenges and environmental issues current societies face, and their meaning for tomorrow’s world.
Described as potential dangers for today and tomorrow’s society, grand global challenges revolve around:
- increased pollution levels and consequent global warming;
- extreme weather evens drought, desertification;
- resource availability – food for example;
- contamination and toxicity;
- criminal and violent behavior, as a direct consequence of the aforementioned.
Professor Edgeman tackles these threats, labeled “wicked” or “grand” challenges, and states that it is difficult to adequately define them, outside of viewing them as interconnected with socio-economic variables, within a complex judgment system.
His hypothesis is that behind these “wicked challenges” there is a multi-causal and complex interdependency that infringes ethical, moral policical and social boundaries.
In his opinion, it is these environmental challenges we face today that future societies will also face. The perceived danger here being the fact that a similar causal chain has led to the collapse of historical societies, in the Professor’s opinion. Moreover, these are all seen as a direct consequence of enterprise management and have a direct impact on sustainability management.

Tags: Performance Management, PMA 2014 Conference