Guerilla Marketing Metrics – Nokia – The World’s Biggest Signpost
The Right Direction in the Simplest Way- A signpost the size of two double decker buses
- A 50 meter tall motorized crane, weighting 60 tonnes
- A location: Potters Field, London
- A time period: 16 October – 6 November 2009
- The World’s Biggest Signpost
- 862 000 views of the installation just by walking over Tower Bridge alone
- Increase by 129% of unique visitors to Nokia’s online navigation service
- 29% visitor returns on the navigation service page
- Nokia Blogs (2009), The Nokia Signpost has now gone live
- Farfar (2009), The World’s Biggest Signpost
- Adghost’s videos (2010), The World’s Biggest Signpost

Tags: Guerilla Marketing, Initiative, Marketing and Communications performance, Marketing performance, Nokia, Social Media performance, Viral Media