Personal Performance is “The Third Metric for Success”
Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post presents the main ideas of her latest book, “Thrive” – a publication dedicated to emphasizing the importance of personal performance.
The idea that the book builds on is that, in the last couple of years, the definition of success relied on two major drivers: money and power. The author emphasizes the importance of a third one, which includes the personal well-being, the health and even one’s capacity to give, elements that have been neglected. The Huffington Post’s founder connects sleep, the ability to rest and the well-being to one’s creativity and work power.
Some necessary changes in everyday life are also mentioned:
- The first one is a good night sleep: getting 8 hours of sleep/night improves health, mental capacity, joy and encourages positive reactions to negative situations;
- The second one is meditation: starting from 5 minutes and gradually getting to 30 minutes of meditation/day improves life quality;
- The third one is movement, which is especially important for people who work in an office, in a sedentary environment;
An additional important element is giving, establishing personal connections with people from all fields.
The author also mentions some changes that have been introduced within The Huffington Post, in order to inspire employees to pay attention to the “third metric”. For this purpose, yoga, meditation and breathing classes were introduced for the employees, and their personal life is highly respected, as they are encouraged not to answer to work-related calls and emails after the working schedule.
Arianna Huffington considers that 2013 was an amazing year from this point of view. Meditation among CEO’s has become mainstream, as they understood the value of quite time, reflection and connecting with themselves.
She concludes by stating that turning toward yourself does not interfere with professional success, so personal and professional performance are not prone to choice. All of the contrary, personal performance sustains the professional one.
Video Source:
- Knowledge At Wharton Youtube Channel, available at:

Tags: Personal performance, The Huffington Post, Thrive